
all other people.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Today woke up pretty much way too early, met a few friends first, then Van and Clara at Hilton to listen to some UOM boringass talk about 'adapters' and Australian bank interest rates, the transportation system how Melbourne water is really cold.

Was of minor importance, so the few of us left halfway to have refreshments. Then attempted Marmalade pantry but Van and I had ATM issues.

And these are the photos (Van's camera) from daybed!
Happy 18th Nick and Wong!
(Like as if they read this, but nevermind).

Laura disappeared before midnight, therefore not captured on film.
Weekend goooooood.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I just had Katong laksa. It's quite good.

So he likes taking photos, and after he poses, smiles and grins widely at the camera, he looks at me with the eye and says, 'boliao'.

Self-denial I call it.

HELLO! I'm back home at long last, after a freaking long day.

Had my medical checkups to do in town, so I went and bumped into JAN. Walked around quite a bit and called a few people up. Like Jvet Jzeejing Jixin and Muee.

Met Laura, and went to the cursed BBDC centre. I HATE BUSES. So to cut a long story short, we got lost and took a cab. We nearly died with the Johor Bahru residents, and Mandai zoo, Night safari environment. A 45minute journey took us 2.5hrs, and we got to daybed at 9pm.

Was there with Laura and Van, then! Nick, Tze, Wong and company joined us later.

Hm I need photos, will upload as soon as I get my fingers on them.

For now I need to sleep because I have to wake up in 4hrs, and tomorrow is going to be another late day.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Yesterday, cycling with Laura at East Coast again, followed by spicy Ajisen ramen and a dip in the pool.

Along the way Laura's ezlink card got confiscated due to our inability to produce 5cents, and also because the bus aunty is slightly psychotic. We can't blame her for that because all she does in a day is loop around East Coast.

Ask Laura for complete story.

We concluded that I can't cycle and she can't blade, we need to do wakeboarding and that my job sucks.

Spent the night over at hers where we 'watched' the fantastic Laguna beach (it sucks) and ate way too much supper. Now I have gastric pains.

Finally took the first step in contributing to Cocoquettes today. Bought myself cloth from Arab Street and People's Park Centre. Had the long awaited COCA with Lala, Sabrina and Clara.

Now I'm waiting to go for yoga with my mum. Didn't want to initially but my mum msged me, whining, 'You said you will do with me, you promised...'

And therefore! I'm going.

This was at My Fair Lady, and yes.
Irrelevant photo.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I have never travelled around Singapore so much in my entire life, and I'm willing to bet Laura hasn't taken so much buses and mrts. It was rather amusing seeing her in a bus.

Okay today Laura Reann and I attending 'lessons' that nearly bored us to death, leading us to consume large quantities of 50cents milo in succession.

Uni lectures and tutorials this year are going to be so bad. I already see myself skipping quite a number, and still hoping to obtain an average of 70 at the end of the year.

So we (minus Laura add weird boy who looks 15, is 17, think he's 19), had laupasat stingray and kwayteow for dinner at 11pm, hence I am quite full and bloated at the moment, not ready to sleep. but chompchomp is still calling out to me. Only chompchomp will satisfy.

I should end this post with a photo, but I don't have one.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Yesterday Clara and I visited puffy Lala in her big resort house, I then travelled to IKEA Tampines, for the first time in my life, to meet up with some good old friends.

Check out Laura's new curls!

Today is a good day.

What with the drizzle and tired yoga body, the inability to blade and quest for palm trees, Laura and I managed some serious workout activity at East Coast.

Two anorexic girls then proceeded to swim while making a pit stop at Katong laksa. Not quite so ano after all.

We then went on an adventure to Bukit Batok and Bukit Gombak, and tomorrow we're going there again to continue on this adventure, and sit for two successive classes after a really long time.

By the way, I cut my hair.

Today is a good day,
Laura and I are both happy people!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I have to wait another additional agonizing 48 hours or so before I get an answer that can either make my day, or not.

Church tmr! I do hope I wake up and be all fresh for it.
Because I actually do miss the worship and praising,
not because I just might need a miracle.

Thursday, January 11, 2007



Sunday, January 07, 2007


because no one takes more disgusting photos than Tan Sher Li.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

okay I have to emphasise that the balloons are huge. They look quite small compared to the gigantic tree, but trust me on this. They travelled from Holland V to Wisma to Heeren, squished into a cab and are now safely placed beside the tree. They were annoying,

but I love them(:

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Japanese kawaii-theme party with my beloved facies

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

where wanxin won hands down with a mighty thunderous ground raising applause.
(she asked for no pictures on blogs but I can't help it)

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

and an eat-all-you-can buffet found ourselves stuffed silly. I'm going to burst anytime. Random gummies pocky oysters and california rolls are going to exit.

What remains of this special day is just lazing around feeling stuffed with fatties, watching my girl and hugging sebastian and magoo.

thanks to all for the wishes(:



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